martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

The City!

The City !

Come and visit "Miracle Land"

Where your dreams come true in a Virtual World ~

  • All your wishes may turn intarealiky.Your sensations will oppear real through the game:"A Better World".
  • If your wish is to jump from a skyraper you can feel it too.
  • Original music to live in Harmony and Happiness.
  • Join us!Let us make a United World...


descripcion of Morcar´s Countess

She is a middles-aged and old fashioned lady of the high Society.

Her physical appearence
She is tall and thin ,she ´s got short ,wavy ,blonde and grey hair ,and green eyes.

She is rich but she is cold and selfish .She is lonely too and very severe with her servants.She doesn´t go out a lot only on special ocassions on charity events.
She inherited the blue diamond that have been in her family for decades.
She is introvert and shy.
She is the owner of Morcar´s Village,a few miles away from London

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011


What We Need

A) Which of these values are present in this stanza? Solidarity, friendship, happiness, courage, honesty, respect, loyalty, responsibility, peace, freedom.

A Little dash of purpose, Happiness

An effort made to cheer, Solidarity

A Little more of courage,

And less of doubt and fear; Courage

A Little more of lifting, Friendship

And pulling all our weight, Peace

A little less of leaning,

And leaving it to fate.

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011


Answer the cuestions:
1- What are the names of the caracters?
2- Who are the Musketeers?
3- Who is D'artagnan?
4- Why did D'artagnan decide to travel to Paris?
5- How did D'artagnan know the Musketeers?
6- What was the Musketeers?
7- What did the queen want to recuperate? Of whon?
8- Who was the person in which the a queen tristed on?
9- Why was the cardinal Richelieu a dangerous person?
10- How could My Lady escape? Where did she go?
11- What happened with Constance, My Lady and D'artagnan?

1- The names of the caracters are: D'artagnan, Athos, Aramis and Portos. The queen Constance, My Lady, the Duke of Buckingham, Cardinal Richelieu, Queen Louis.
2- The name of the musketeers are: Athos, Aramis and Portos.
3- D'artagnan is a Musketeers that arrived of Paris with al most no money.
4- D'artagnan hopping to become a Musketeers.
5- D'artagnan and the Musketeers then made friends.
6- The Musketeers mision is protect of the queen.
7- The queen wanted to recuperate his diamond.
8- Constance.
9- Cardinal Richelieu rapter the queen.
10- My Lady scapes to Paris convent.

HALLOWEEN (The Old Witch)

There was once a little girl who was very willful and who never obeyed when her elders spoke to her - so how could she be happy?

One day she said to her parents, "I have heard so much of the old witch that I will go and see her. People say she is a wonderful old woman, and has many marvelous things in her house, and I am very curious to see them."'

But her parents forbade her going, saying, "The witch is a wicked old woman, who performs many godless deeds - and if you go near her, you are no longer a child of ours."

The girl, however, would not turn back at her parents' command, but went to the witch's house. When she arrived there the old woman asked her:

"Why are you so pale?"

"Ah," she replied, trembling all over, "I have frightened myself so with what I have just seen."

"And what did you see?" inquired the old witch.

"I saw a black man on your steps."

"That was a collier," replied she.

"Then I saw a gray man."

"That was a sportsman," said the old woman.

"After him I saw a blood-red man."

"That was a butcher," replied the old woman.

"But, oh, I was most terrified," continued the girl, "when I peeped through your window, and saw not you, but a creature with a fiery head."

Then you saw the witch in her proper dress ,said the old woman For you I have long waited and ...

1Read the story and find words that mean the following

A child who does not behave well naughty

Prohibited forbade

Evil,veri bad ´wicked

With a very white face because of fear or illnes pale

Scared frightened

A man who works in a coal mine collier

A man who sells meat butcher

Spy peeped


The witch was waiting for the girl ,she knew the girl was corious about her .

When the girl arrived the witch´shome she saw peeping by the window a black man ,a gray man and a blood-red man and she got pale and frightened beause she also saw a fiery creature inside the house
.Suddenly ,the girl is eaten by the witch because she discovered many secrets from her.Later the witch run into the forest lie a fiery creature looking for the girl´s parents,leaving she reached then and killed then no trace


· Read the poem and analyze


Peace which makes the Word a safe and happy place

Peace that unites people of any race

Respect that shows consederation for one another

Honesty in which temptation does not get the better of us.

Honesty in which your integrity must come first.

Freedom tht facilitates free expresión and thought

Freedom is through diplomacy, rather than violence,is better sought.

Freedom es the greatest Ealing therapy.

Freedom is difficult to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

Loyalty . few people give themselves time tobe loyal.


  • They took money from the bank BankRohbers
  • They broke into my office and took the computer Bulgars
  • They took my wallet from my pocket PickPockets
  • They took things from that shop Shoplifters


  • They killed the man! Murderets
  • They broke all my car Vandals
  • They demanded 3000$ for the return de john Kidnappers

The City !



All your wishes may turn into reality ,your sensations will appear real through the game Ä better World ¨

If your wish is to jump from a skyscraper you can feel it too

Original music to live in harmony and happiness


jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Make the better world (values)

Usually Itink that in my dream that is meke te better world
IS would be wonderful that they are units with a little dash of effor for one proposy
But then get up and see the place ,my school ,my civilizacion
but then get up and see this civilacion
and think that is a simple dram only
is´n real